Men and women flirt

Men and women flirt

 Men and women flirt differently for different reasons and expect different results of molestation. However, if you put that result aside and flirt to suit yourself, then you are opening yourself up to different opportunities. You can establish a good relationship with a new lover but if that doesn't work then you can meet someone who becomes a good friend and who knows he can meet you. Keep your options open.

When you exchange glances and smiles in a room, you are completely convinced that SHE thinks she wants to get to know you better, send her a drink. But remember that all you are buying is a drink. Do not expect that he will fall at your feet. Sometimes it's nice to send someone a drink, when he gets it and smile, look away - check back later to show his interest.

If you find yourself invited to his desk, then you keep a conversation and do not go on a date with him. Most women want to know what kind of man they are going out with before they actually go out with them. Try to get to know him and give him a chance to get to know him before diving for a date.

Never approach two women in the same group. No woman wants to feel like the second best. Avoiding one by one contact in the same group. You look like a loser and women may think that you are desperate and looking for any port in a storm. If you are, don't show it anyway.

When you praise a woman, make sure that it is a real compliment. There is nothing worse than a person giving a load of overblown lines. Everyone has something great about them, pay attention and really praise them.

Never lay a hand on a woman who is uninvited. Some women have no objection to 'fight fight', others are afraid of it. Respect that person until you have the opportunity to learn more about him. Touching can be a pretty flirty gesture, but should be limited to the arms or the hands should only rest on top of the arms, until you know more. Examine the personal space closely, notice the reactions and then move back a little to remove the danger.

Respect yourself all the time. Women always fall for men who are a bit inaccessible. Do not hover or grovel or act desperate. Make yourself special and know what you deserve the best.


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